Did you know that, at no cost to you, you can help raise an Assistance Dog that will make a difference to the life of a disabled person?
To help us, all you have to do is donate 0.5% of the amount paid in your personal tax return to ÂNIMAS, at no cost to you or loss of benefits. To do this, you should enter the NIF of ÂNIMAS 506119718 in your tax return (model 3, box 11, field 1101).
If you fill in MOD 3,
in Box 11, in field 1101, select the "Beneficiary Entities" Private social solidarity institutions or legal persons of public utility (art. 32, no. 6, of Law no. 16/2001, of June 22), fill in the NIF with 506119718 and select consignment with 0.5% IRS.
If you fill in IRS Automatic,
select in the "Beneficiary Entities" Private social solidarity institutions or legal persons of public utility (art. 32, no. 6, of Law no. 16/2001, of June 22) and fill in the consignment with 0.5% IRS and the NIF with 506119718.
ÂNIMAS does not benefit from state support to carry out its activities, and all of the dogs' food, health and education costs are covered by donations and the proceeds from the annual animal-assisted interventions course.
We're counting on your help!